
Rodionov about "Spartak Cup" results Теги: RODIONOV SPARTAK CUP
The president of Spartak Academy Sergey Rodionov summed up the results of "Spartak Cup" - 2014 and shared his impressions on the every team-participant of the tournament:
— In my view, "Spartak Cup" was held at the high level. This year all the teams which took part played practically the same level, the intrigue was kept till the last day. The level of the participants who represent different countries and styles was high enough. It’s great our Academy could show itself playing quality football against such serious opponents. I would like to thank all the team which responded to our invitation and all the Academy staff who took part in organizing this tournament and helping us with it.
— Share your impressions on the games of every team-participant, please.
- "Monaco",
they got the second place of the tournament, made a good impression on me
owning by their playing manner and their elegancy. French footballers with
charming ease worked with the ball.
It came upon me that "Monaco" didn’t aim to show the result, they just play
their elegancy, beautiful and technic football. The third place was
Blackburn’s; it’s the team I also liked. Firstly, I want to mention the
combative spirit of English footballers. Despite the difficulties they had with
injured players, we could see the team’s character. Their will to win amazed
us. Moreover, "Blackburn" broke our stereotypes about English football: we were
waiting for pressure and active wing game with accent on head play… Brian Carey’s
pupils showed combined football and good discipline. Also I can note a perfect
defence. It wasn’t easy to score in
Blackburn’s goal. In the last match the team was exsanguinated and
Rapid which played in majority, could score more than one time. "Krasnodar" showed itself like a discipline
and well-educated team. In some way they came short of luck and sometimes
skills to play the final attack stage, their defence and move were rather
competent: pressing in the mid-zone and pressing on the opponents half – all
these the boys could do. The team had no losses on the tournament and it’s a
very important statistics. Minsk "Dinamo" remembered me the football of the
best Soviet times. No one allowed himself not to run or to remove the leg. Maybe somewhere they should work at technics,
though it’s good enough and especially they had a competitive spirit. They were ready for every match to play to the
end, it remembered me the times when the Youth Soviet teams won only because of
their dedication and great wish to win.
I can’t say that Austrian "Rapid" worth to be the last. I liked the
team; I could see the game style with system 4-3-3, their skills to organize
attack after the defensive actions. In
my opinion, the Austrians didn’t have enough physical power and strength. In their line-up they have enough interesting players.
— How do you like "Spartak"-97 play?
— There is no doubt they deserve their first place. The game quality I would
value at 80 %.They can show more quality football, however it doesn’t derogate
from their dignity. The tournament was very tough. It’s great they could take
part in it on that stage. Footballers felt a higher level than on the local
Russian tournaments. Players of the Youth team knew that. There were some great
moments and episodes, where everything didn’t turn out well like it did on the
Moscow and Russian tournaments.
— Why?
- Firstly, it is opponent’s higher level. Boys understood they have what to work at and there is where to aim. Psychological restraint played its role in achieving the result. Nobody required from Vladimir Beschastnykh or boys to win: for people, living in the Academy, it’s something logical, because our philosophy is "Live football, play and win beautifully". I saw how they wanted to win the home tournament and to become the first Academy team, which will get the trophy – Spartak Cup. And it prevented them. The other teams didn’t have such a tension. In psychologically foreign boys were more relaxed, it seemed to me from the tribune.
- Which of "Spartak"-97 matches were closer to the special team style?
In every match we had very good moments, at the same time we had some gaps in
the games.
Probably, the match against "Blackburn" became was more complete. On the eve both teams
were the leaders, they had the equal points. In this confrontation the characters’ battle
came on the foreground; it’s like the footballers were playing till the first
opponent’s mistake. And our team was more patient they used this opponent’s
mistake in Blackburn defence and to score the ball. Victories like this are
also possible. They are tough, but the boys understand they can and they must
be the best on the football pitch. If they continue working at themselves they
will achieve these 20 % and the game will be more colorful.
— "Spartak" played two draw matches: the first
and the last ones…
— The both times the result had a pressure on them. In the match against "Krasnodar"
it was easy to see that the boys played very responsible. I wanted to say from
the tribune: "Relax and play your football. "Spartak Cup" is not the only
tournament, as people say the world is large enough". Such an attitude to the
game disturbed them in the first match and in the last one against "Monaco",
where draw game was acceptable. In the boys’ heads there was a thought that a
draw game also let them to win the title and we could do nothing with it. Especially
it became notably to the end of the match when the result suits them and the
aim was so close, seconds go slower and slower.
— Three tournaments are behind. The
matches of which "Spartak Cup" were the most interesting to watch?
— Of course, the most exciting was the tournament of this year. We had no
favorites up to the end, on the previous tournaments one team was prevailed and
the others were fighting for the rest places except the first one. Coming to "Spartak
Cup" – 2014 today, I couldn’t even imagine who would win. This year among the
participants we hadn’t got grandees, but I think these teams won’t let even
pupils of top Academies prevailed them in class. I’ll repeat the idea that the
level of the teams 1997 year of birth, which came to Moscow on Spartak Cup, is
very high.
— Are you planning to be in touch with some of the academies, participants of the tournament?
— During the tournament we had a presentation of our Academy for the colleagues from "Rapid" and Blackburn. With the English we have a tentative agreement to play matches. If they invite we’ll play with their teams with great pleasure. Rapid representatives also said about they would glad to see our team in their tournament. Unfortunately, we couldn’t speak to all the guests for more details, but I’m sure we will continue collaborate with "Monaco", Minsk "Dinamo" and "Krasnodar".