
Benfica - Barcelona 15 april 2013 News
Benfica to outplay champions Теги: BARCELONA BENFICA

Portuguese Benfica has finalized Spartak Cup with a victory over Barcelona that had sealed its champion title ahead of schedule – 1:0. 

Benfica – Barcelona - 1:0
Goal: Gonsalvesh

The Catalans, for whom the game decided nothing already, came to the match not in the most combating composition, the coaching staff offered playing time to guys, who often had to sit out during the previous matches. Whereas the Portuguese players attempted to disrupt a series of defeats, therefore regardless of the dominant name of their opponent Benfica immediately rushed to attack. But the Portuguese managed to "unseal" opponents’ gates in the second half only. The goal-scoring combination was started by Renatu Sanches, who sent the ball to the right side, from where it was passed to the penalty area. Dyuogy Gonsalvech, whose efforts Carlos Blanco Moreno tried to hamper vainly, was precise from a close distance – 1:0. At parting the Portuguese created a small sensation in Moscow by outplaying the opponents from world’s best Academy, and ultimately the team was ranked fourth.